
Friday, November 21, 2008

我真的不想变成Complain King


上个礼拜天我与老婆大人带了老大老二与友妮到罗宾的儿子们(Robinsons)及谷中城(Mid Valley)去。没常到那儿去,这次是因为罗宾的儿子们给了我两百块大圆礼券,那么就找借口要老婆一起去。买了些用品,那么就去还钱。天啊,等了20分钟,只等一个顾客,后面也等了几个同样等的不耐烦的顾客,那收银员招来了一个又一个的上司,为了就是解决那顾客买的东西折扣不对称的问题。我看不能在等,便问他:“What's going on? What's acutally happen here?”那些人才说是折扣问题,那么我就问他有没有其它的收银台,他才木童摇指另外一个收银台。那罗宾的儿子们真的不知道想什么,收银台做到根本看不出是收钱的,而且员工还有待训练训练,怎不早点木童摇指?


前日,老婆向我complain这家乐福不知道怎样做生意,买了6个RM99.00的Book Shelf送来了RM199.00的Wardrope。这下子麻烦了,不能通过电话解决,我也不知为何不能电话上解决,一定要我们整家人浪费一个晚上回到家乐福。

我以为老婆解决的了,便让她去Information Counter去办理。怎知,等了很久,看完所有LCD电视机,她还没回来,便到那Information Counter去看看。怎知原来那Store Manager不肯退现钱。他说家乐福的Practice就是如果用信用卡,那么就要取消那Transaction。但是都过3天了,信用卡过账了呀,你应该退现钱。我便跟那Store Manager理论,我也拿特易购与巨人霸市来相比。它们不管你用什么方式给,都退现钱给你。那家伙还是坚持。那么我可火了便提高我的声量对他说:"You sent us the wrong thing!"当然我狠狠地鸟他够力够力也说要complain到消费人事部,那么他才说了一句:“OK lar, since you said we sent you the wrong thing",才肯现金退款。


这样的Operation Issue及冥顽不灵的对待顾客的方式,我真的更加担心这霸市在大马的未来前景。这年头,都讲究顾客至上,他们还不能够满足顾客的和理要求,那么自己看着办吧!听那送货来得罗里司机说,送错货对他来说已是司空见惯了,叫我们敢敢鸟那些收订单的人。

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Complain to Bank then Bank Negara then Ministry of Finance

When I receive my credit card bill statement this month I got a shock when I saw the Finance Interest of RM15.60 over outstanding of RM72.45. It was my fault for not paying the bill in full. I took for granted during my previous month bill payment as I was taken the RM100 for other purpose when I was suppose to pay RM1,000 for the RM972.45 for September bill. I was using cash deposit machine to pay for the bill and thus it suppose to be rounded up and RM1,000 it should be. It was ended up that I pay RM900 for the bill of RM972.45 and due to the laziness of returning to the bank branch and topup the balance I have again took for granted to relay the outstanding accrued to this month. However, it was not something new to me as I did that before and this is only happen when I am paying with cash, when I got to rush for the expiration date and I have allocated RM1 to RM2 for the Finance Interest, as what it should be. Cheque payment is always sharp and I understand the high interest rate of credit card charges.

I had thus made a call last nite and complained to the bank's credit card center. I have requested on the formula on the Finance Interest calculation but I was told that the formula is too complicated for human to understand. It makes me more frustrated when I was told that since I have make the complain the bank shall withdraw this Finance Interest of RM15.60 and I do not have to pay for it. What is the heck? Finance Interest can be imposed and withdraw as bank's like? I have insist to get a copy of how the Finance Interest is being calculated and I was promised by the customer service agent to get a fax this morning but I have not receive any and I have again make second and third call this afternoon. I was again being promised that the fax shall land tonite.

I was totally unsatisfied with the bank's service and I have make a call to Bank Negara thenafter and complain to them. I was again told that the calculation is too complicated for me to understand. I do not understand why and what makes it so complicated to understand. I have expressed my greatest shockness over the RM15.60 from the outstanding of RM72.45 and all my previous bills was paid in full amount. On what basis this high Finance Interest impose? I have even told the Bank Negara staff that this is higher than Loan Shark and by looking at this stupid high Finance Interest I can tell it is wrong. And, if this is exactly what has been calculated by the correct formula it is a wrong formula being formulated by someone who don't understand mathematics. I was assured that Bank Negara will investigate the matter accordingly provided I write a letter and supply the necessary documents to the Director of Corporate Communication of Bank Negara.

I was from Financial Institution's IT background and I was a Double Maths student. I just wanted to get the formula and calculate myself. If a scientific calculator can't help I am willing to write a program to calculate and I have got all the maths functions ready. I am very curious on the complication part and if it is so complicated to calculate then any bank can charge any amount to customers if there is outstanding payment and it is very easy to explain :"It is very complicated to calculate the interest, you cannot calculate yourself, you just have to accept it".

If I do not get any satisfactory answer from Bank Negara I will complain to Ministry of Finance. This type of case I will not give face to anyone especially the bank. If Ministry of Finance also told me the same thing:"The formula is too complicated for you to understand", I will then go back and study day and night and volunteer myself to write a program FOC for them to calculate and verify on the accuracy. COBOL, DELPHI, VB.NET, Java, pHp, any programming language will do the job well.

It is not the matter of small amount of money = RM15.60, it is my principle that if something not right and unfair to me, I will fight to the end.

Monday, November 10, 2008


--Without Prejudice--


Saturday, November 8, 2008


想写这篇文章已久。-without prejudice-






Thursday, November 6, 2008


气呀!今天我送老大到Bandar Puteri 10的幼儿圆去,我是直路的,都到Gate前了,那外劳保安就是叫我停下,明明我到他前面,为何我定要让路给一辆那么远来的豪华休旅车?这是我每天载送老大多个月来,第n次遭遇如此对待.我以为这是因为这些人是那儿的住户,但我出了Gate发现那豪华休旅车是住山顶的,他也是送仔来读书的.


